「物不可窮也 故受之以未済」(ぶつ きわまり うべからず、ゆえに これを いまだ すくわず とも うく)。万物には終わりがなく、陰と陽が絶えず交替し、循環し続けるように、賢者は物事を慎重に見極め、正しい位置に身を置かなければならない。ゆえに、この心と物の一元性とは、知恵と精神性、経験の道を歩む中で、絶えず省察し、判断し、相互に結びつきながら成し遂げられていく長い過程である。
When we consider all connections as one, we can have a broader perspective on the changes that are happening in front of us. We are in a vast network woven by every life information, every thought in our minds, every choice in life, and every reflection on the current creative context in artistic creation will ripple in this sea of connections, spreading to the wider and endless depths of the stars.
The unify of mind and matter is a long process of continuous reflective judgment on the path of wisdom, spirituality, and experience, interconnected and accomplished. No matter what situation you are in, do not be deprived of your autonomy by any collective. May you maintain your diamantine heart and shine on yourself, and go back to the source in anytime.
Liu Qiuran, also known by the pseudonyms "Shan Sheng"(山生) and "Yuan Deng"(元燈).
Born in Guangdong, China. Living and works in Hangzhou and Tokyo.
Appointed as a research fellow in Painting, Calligraphy and Epigraphy by Wulin Academy of Arts.